23 January 2025.
Since I started performing cognitive functions as a child – I loved the act of bucketing patterns . I used to correlate human features – their physical, behavioural patterns and also the way they respond to compliments, problems and other things in life. This pattern recognition at first felt like – I was trying to understand the world around and making this get tagged into some sort of know attribute helped not be afraid of the unknown.

But as I grew I started realising it was more that than – Those attributes helped me probabilistically figure out what are the other attributes that specific person could have – Do they have a elder brother? Did they have a stressful childhood? Would they hesitate to work in the grey area in life? – They don’t fit into the fintech space if they do agree to the last one 😛
I was still doing this “expected” attributes of a person in my head, never tested it out to find out if it was even real or a thing in “my head”. Recently in the last 1-2 years I have started do an experiment when meet new people in life. I tend to make a system in my head where I consume lot of their attributed quickly and then force myself to give me a list of new attributes a person can be inclined to have – This has worked exceptionally well and people have accused me of stalking them 🙂
Now I have more or less proved this personal hypothesis of ‘Bucketing Theory’ in my life. But I am sure there much be some sort of scientific explanation to this which is what I am looking to find out more on.